Monday, March 26, 2012

The Ox-Bow Incident In 102 Words Exactly

Director William Wellman's The Ox-Bow Incident resembles 12 Angry Men, if the 12 angry men were cowboys. Both star Henry Fonda, playing a similar character, though his cowboy is angrier than his angry man. The plot: cattle have been rustled off Kincaid's ranch, leaving Kincaid with a bullet in the head. The townsfolk round up a posse and track down the supposed culprets. A tense stand-off ensues between those wanting to string them up on the spot and those who demand they be tried. Starts off slow, but when it gets going, a taught morality play about the dangers of mob rule.

Wow.  Trailers sure have come a long way, haven't they (this last sentence doesn't count against the 102 words)?

And believe it or not, you can watch the actual movie on YouTube.  Technology!  Enjoy:

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